Let’s unplastify the world token by token, tonne by tonne.

UPF coin is the unplastifying token powered by Unplastify.


Each person in the world consumes 45kgs of plastic per year on average. 42% is packaging.

Geyer et al, 2017

Of all the plastic ever produced, only 9% was recycled

Geyer et al, 2017 (until 2015)

8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean each year.

— Jambeck et al. 2015

Our solution - tokenizing plastic reduction

UPF COIN generates tangible value to unplastifying processes making it visible and traceable while giving an incentive towards change.



A token -cryptocurrency- running at a blockchain issued by Unplastify® in base to a proof of unplastify work

Issued with purpose

Each token issued equals 1 tonne of validated avoided plastic

Increasing Value

Its value increases as the collective value of demonstrating plastic displacement grows.


About us

Unplastify is a social enterprise on a mission to change the human relationship with plastic.

We accelerate unplastifying systemic processes with individuals, organizations, companies and governments - minimizing the use of disposable plastic through the re-design of operations, habits and norms.

Our unplastified vision in current trends


Uprise of ESG investments

ESG is becoming more relevant for all stakeholders and while investors demand more sustainable policies companies have to match expectations.

Future portfolios will demand more precise and traceable indicators.

Plastic policies & regulations

Countries all over the world are passing laws and regulations towards banning single use plastics.

In recent years there is a growing trend to fight plastic pollution globally.

Rise of responsible consumption & consumer behaivour

Centennials have changed their consumer behaivour due to causes they follow. Social media has unleashed visibility in consumer preferences, influencing brands images like never before.

The biggest incentive organizations have to avoid plastic today is public opinion and consumer voting power.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. UPF COIN is aligned with the following SDGs


How it works

Minting & validation


Proof of Unplastify

The token is issued according to the validated unplastified proof. Those who want to obtain the tokens will have to demonstrate a work of displacement.

The proof of work is the demonstration of this plastic displacement. This demonstration will be done in the validation process.

Validation Network

This process will be defined in a first version by Unplastify and then it will be carried out by a network of validators and registered in the blockchain.

Unplastification > Validation > Token emission


subject to changes

Idea dev

Q3 - 2021

Investment round & Grants


Q4 - 2021

First emission of UPFC tokens corresponding to the deplastification work already validated by Unplastify since the creation of the company.

12.152 tokens emitted

Prototype wallet development


Q1 - 2022

Until 200 UPFC tokens emitted. Proof of work of plastic displacement validated by Unplastify. Wallet development.


Q4 - 2022

Free emission and proof of external validation, proof of the validation process and validation platform prototype.


Q1 - 2023

UPFC token free emission + validation platform, managed by UPF DAO.

Advisory Board

Since we started this journey we've had the privilege of sharing and receiving insights from many actors in this community. Our Advisory Board enlights our decisions to build this project robustely and understanding the needs of the different communities it involves

Alejandro Sewrjugin

Creator of PHI Economy Network

CriptoEconomist and Hacktivist

Member of Buenos Aires University Economic Sciences Professional Council

Laura García

Founder and President of Global News® Group

Media entrepreneur and tech startup investor

President of Board of World Innovation and Change Management Institute (WICMI)

Pablo Sabbatella

Growth Lead in Exactly & Founder at Defy Education

Tech entrepreneur with background in finance, investments, security

Dedicated to investigation and growth of the crypto and DeFi ecosystem

Jenna Jambeck

Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering at University of Georgia College of Engineering

World renowned expert in ocean plastic pollution

Guillermo Watson

Founding Partner and Chief Data Officer (CDO) at Datalytics.

Systems Engineer specialized in Big Data distributed platforms MS in Data Mining

Boulder BI Brain Trust Advisory Board Member

MIT Technology Review Global Panel Member

If you:

  • Share our purpose and vision for an unplastified world

  • Are willing to give support and advice for development

  • Would like to facilitate connections with strategic alliances

Please join us in this new unplastified adventure we are embarking on the blockchain

You will be very welcome !